Chateau de Garches Clinic for VIP

Chateau de Garches Clinic for VIP


Yuri own avatar
30/08/2022 00:38:56
Require urgent help
sheetal Daniel  own avatar
sheetal Daniel
16/02/2023 00:20:33
hello i just wanted to ask if international patients are treated here for alcohol addiction. it’s for a friend who needs immediate medical attention . merci
Jo Stephens own avatar
Jo Stephens
29/07/2023 09:39:08
Is your clinic English speaking
Larisa own avatar
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03/11/2023 09:33:14
Larisa own avatar
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03/11/2023 09:33:42
Larisa  own avatar
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03/11/2023 09:38:57
Hi, what documents do one need to get to the clinic. My daughter is an alcoholic , is a foreigner, on holidays in paris, get in drinking, now very
weak. We need to get her detoxed,please .
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26/11/2023 13:27:32
I would like treatment for alcoholism please. I live near your clinic/chateau. I am registered with the French SECU and my mutuelle is Pacifica in their top program.
Mani singj own avatar
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Mani singj
30/12/2023 19:38:13
My father is alcoholic. He drink us. ...
Chris own avatar
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15/02/2024 09:05:41
I’m currently in Northwest Greece I have a dear friend that I’d like to consider bringing to your institution. He lived in Paris FRANCE For 20 years and became who is in Paris France from 1980 to 2000 as a world photographer. he came back to Greece to see his parents met. Someone got married had three beautiful children and the wife left him about I believe five years ago. His level of drinking has gotten to the point where I believe he’s not gonna really make it he’s 64 years old, etc. etc..

I really appreciate you emailing me. I do not speak French I speak only English.

I am a friend, his confidant and producing manager… I truly believe he must leave the environment and he must return to Paris and be in the center and really reprogram him. Please talk to me about how you’re center works. What does it cost etc. etc. I really appreciate your time and effort. Thank you very much, Chris.
amdrew felton own avatar
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amdrew felton
23/04/2024 13:06:11
what are the charges involved
Robert Davis own avatar
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Robert Davis
30/05/2024 13:53:21
golnaz own avatar
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09/12/2024 13:31:42
I have many ideas about new treatments of unknown and uncured diseases and ability of problem solving all topics
I am medical doctor general physician with 7 years experience in beautician clinic, office, hospital and emergency
1- can you help me how registration for continue specialist
2- can you help me how find job
3- can you help me how accept in scholarship

4- I am professor
can releive brain tumor
without op
can you need me
I hate Iran
Felicia Andrew own avatar
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Felicia Andrew
05/02/2025 22:05:05
Bonsoir je voudrais plus d’informations c’est pour mon mari
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