Private traders turn to the organizer directly since it is almost impossible to carry out an emergency evacuation to France without the intervention of the organizer. The organizers possess an already established scheme, they have the necessary contacts and trusting relationships. Medical evacuation organizers rarely work with private individuals, as an important element is often missing, namely the doctor who directs the patient and prepares the medical file. When organizing an emergency evacuation, an element such as a medical record and a complete medical history is a critical element. Incomplete dossiers, with files in different languages, are not considered by hospitals and clinics, the organizers know this and do not process low-quality requests.
On the market of so-called medical tourism (a term that the French categorically refuse to use) there are a lot of people who do not have medical education and medical ethics. Referring to such people can compromise the ability to receive medical treatment abroad. People who are far from medicine do not understand how to draw up a dossier and a request so that the doctor immediately understands what is at stake. Moreover, even when a specific treatment is requested, medical history and an appointment for this treatment are still sent. Unfortunately, many patients self-medicate and involve doctors in this, the emergence of the Internet and free circulation of information is not always a positive moment. Therefore, in order for the patients’ request to be considered and taken seriously, it is advisable that the request should be made by a doctor, the patients’ personal health professional, or a clinic doctor, who stated that it was not possible to provide assistance on the spot.
Miсkael Guignier, an organizer in France, working with large firms and insurance companies for a long time, admits that he has not been considering requests sent by individuals or companies intermediaries of the countries from which the patient is evacuated for a long time. ‘‘Our reputation and the connections that we have developed over the years with the embassies and medical institutions of France are very important to us. We cannot afford to send low-quality requests to our partners. To organize a medical evacuation, you need a complete medical file, the intention and ability to leave, and a guarantee of payment.''