I am still shy of 30, I thought everything will be still ahead, and children will wait. Imagine when I knew that I have carcinoma of uterine cervix. It was terrible to think what consequences expect me after the treatment offered by Moscow experts. They unanimously spoke to me about a need for urgent chemotherapy and insisted on carrying out an operation. I knew that after radiotherapy it is possible to forget about children. Moreover, I saw negative consequences of treatment in the Russian clinics on a living example: my acquaintance treated in one of Moscow clinics left it as an invalid because doctors did not focus on keeping her healthy, doing everything just to destroy cancer cells. The mad doses of radiation along with radiotherapy turned the young beautiful girl into the old woman. Of course, there was a fear of death, but also a tortured life because of such treatment frightened me even more. Everything was obvious – I will not be treated in Russia. I knew that statistically the best treatment is in France.
The first arrival was a fear of uncertainty. I repeatedly did the tests, a biopsy. The doctor prescribed a course of hormones. I returned to Moscow, firmly convinced that everything will turn out. The following trip was more frightening because of the course of radiotherapy. The doctor gave me hope that I will be able to have children after all procedures, as ovaries will not be frozen. For this purpose, it was necessary to calculate the ideal angle of beams’ occurrence and duration of radiation. As a result, there were 19 sessions lasting 4 minutes. The French equipment allowed performing the procedures, without having touched other organs. The next stage was the operation and it was made without any scars! The radiotherapy was not prescribed, as there was no need.
Treatment didn’t take a lot of time: month of hormonal therapy in Moscow, 1,5 months in France and I returned to Moscow completely healthy! Many thanks to my oncologist Cedric Lafond from Jeanne Bernard’s center. He is a heaven-born doctor, who is able to support, explain, calm. I entrusted the organization of treatment to the approved experts from Medifrance. They managed all organizational issues: from a meeting at the airport and accommodation to a communication with experts. Seeing tortures of people undergoing treatment in Russia I couldn’t imagine that disposal of oncology can be similar to a holiday or vacation. Thanks to all who helped me with it!
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More than a thousand satisfied and healthy patients

06/03/2017 01:19:48

10/03/2017 01:19:48
I’ve been thinking about passing a check-up for a long time. I postponed it as similar programs in Switzerland where I live, cost a lot. Planning a holiday, decided to travel with the family across France, having combined rest with a check-up. For passing it, we chose a protestant clinic in Lyon. In our country, there is a talk about the malevolence of the French. Experience has shown that this statement is not right. Everybody from doctors to nurses was benevolent and smiling. The procedure was organized very quickly. My wife always had a fear of cancer in this connection she often visited specialists in the field of tomography. In our clinics, she was told nothing, but the French experts mentioned the harm of these diagnostics as frequent radiation of the tomography could provoke the development of oncology. The relation of the doctor who slowly explained everything in details was pleasant. The girls from Medifrance, who were responsible for the organization, helped us a lot, supporting us during a check-up. Unfortunately, in the clinic, there wasn’t personnel for consultation, so it’s quite problematic to arrive in France on diagnostics without someone’s help. Experts from Medifrance organize everything, they provide necessary information. Many thanks for the qualitative organization of our stay in the clinic.

15/03/2017 01:19:48
The doctor told me that I need prostatectomy because of such diagnosis as cancer. The decision of insurance company, which sent me to France, was surprising. For the American, it is very strange to hear the similar offer. I thought that cancer is a reason for frustration, but not for travel. After careful consideration of the offer, I understood that it is better to fall into the hands of experts from another country than at home alone with the disease. Besides, in Europe I was only once, in England. I spent a month preparing necessary documents. The clinic to which I was sent is located in the small picturesque French town of Le Mans. For two days, there was a translator from the company with me. She showed me interesting places of the town, acquainted with the clinic’s personnel. A robotic operation was performed successfully, I could get up in a couple of days. All these days the translator periodically visited me, helping to communicate with the personnel of the clinic. Time spent in the clinic left only pleasant memories because there works very good and sympathetic personnel. There are no doubts now: if there are problems with health, I will go only to France.

20/03/2017 01:19:48
Since the childhood, I had a complex concerning my shape. The small breast and bally were always the cause of my frustration. I am a cowardly woman therefore, I couldn’t decide on plasticity for a long time. Especially I was afraid of an anesthesia and the fact that the received result cannot suit me. Once I saw an article about works of the famous French surgeon Jean Louis Durand and it became a turning point. I decided to do plasticity. Doing operation in Moscow was absurd for me because of an unjustified risk. I’m convinced that it is much simpler to prove something in Europe, than in our country. The doctor recommended me liposuction, we chose together the best option for the breast. It is possible to stay in a hotel at Jean Louis Château – it gives tranquility and confidence. The prices surprised me a lot – I expected much higher sums. I understood that I was afraid and postponed operation for nothing, as I hadn’t any problems. I survived an anesthesia perfectly and the received result was pleasant. The doctor, in addition, made liposuction on my feet. Now my shape is a subject of my pride. On the trip I was supported by my close friend as I think that husband should not see wife after the operation, it is better to show him the result without hematomas and hypostases. I combined the operation with a wardrobe change – now I can wear beautiful clothes!

29/03/2017 01:19:48
10 years passed from the operation on the breast. All this time I dreamed of returning myself the breast, which I lost because of mastectomy. My daughter living in France suggested fulfilling my dream by addressing the French surgeons. I understood that this opportunity is my only chance to restore the breast. Of course, I worried, because in Shanghai they told me that because of my build the received result could differ considerably from the expected one. Going to France, I wanted to fall into the hands of the best expert in the field of the breast plasticity. In my opinion, the one who created the technology of the breast’s restoration can only be the best. I calmed myself that such expert will handle it best of all, and even if he couldn’t than others would make it even worse. The first view of the received result was a shock for me. I sobbed, staring at seams in a mirror. Doctors calmed me, told that everything will heal up soon and look differently. Three months has passed after the operation and the result is pleasant for me! I am grateful to doctors for such experience, which toppled my whole world. Never thought that the operation undergone in another country can affect my relation to everything that happens to me.

Linda and John
14/04/2017 01:19:48
In seven years of marriage, I did not manage to get pregnant. Two IVFs didn’t help – both attempts ended unsuccessfully. My husband, of course, supported me, but you understand the woman’s feelings when she doesn’t have an opportunity to give birth to a child. I was overflowed by shame and feeling of own inferiority. It was just unbearable to see views of relatives and the husband.
Things changed when the husband presented me tickets to France. At first, I thought that he tries to distract me from a depression, suggesting making a trip, but when I saw pink papers with an inscription of Medifrance in his hands – everything was set in place. France takes the leading positions in the world of a number of successful IVFs, in this country, there is the best treatment of infertility. Conception in the world’s most romantic country – I can only dream about it. Now I am nine months pregnant! We even chose a name for the child: unambiguously, he’s supposed to be called Pierre, after the doctor, who helped us.
Things changed when the husband presented me tickets to France. At first, I thought that he tries to distract me from a depression, suggesting making a trip, but when I saw pink papers with an inscription of Medifrance in his hands – everything was set in place. France takes the leading positions in the world of a number of successful IVFs, in this country, there is the best treatment of infertility. Conception in the world’s most romantic country – I can only dream about it. Now I am nine months pregnant! We even chose a name for the child: unambiguously, he’s supposed to be called Pierre, after the doctor, who helped us.

05/05/2017 01:19:48
I am a professional athlete. I had to leave the sport because of the problems with joints at the age of 30. Treatment at leading experts did not help. Then it became clear that I needed endoprosthesis replacement of a knee joint as my joint was erased. The prospect frightened me. I never thought that such operations could be performed at my age. Therefore, when the doctor offered me such option, I flatly refused. I tried to live, pretending that everything is all right. Anesthetics constantly were near as without them it was impossible to stand the pain. The fact that endoprosthesis replacement is not eternal and a joint should be replaced again in 10-15 years was scary. My attending physician – Junior Mang told that repeated operation can be avoided by establishing an eternal implant, but such operations are performed only in France. Independently I couldn’t decide to go to the unfamiliar country. I found your website – Medifrance and wrote, having asked about the cost of services, about a possibility of performing endoprosthesis replacement by eternal implants. I was pleased with the possibility to choose a clinic because operation cost differs. I preferred a clinic near Lyon. Addressing independently to the French clinics, I received prices twice above the option, which was found for me by Medifrance. Thanks to your experts that helped me with the choice of the clinic and organized everything.

30/06/2017 01:19:48
When mother told me that she was diagnosed with cancer, I was shocked. Parents for me are sacred therefore, I made the decision quickly: only the best experts will treat my mother. The Russian options were not even considered as we know that the services offered by our doctors and the advertised clinics are only a part of marketing. I know that clinics cooperate, dividing patients. We decided to address experts from Europe, as the level of credibility to them is much higher. My friends living in France recommended the Medifrance Solution Company. I do not trust words, therefore, was on the safe side and checked it: the company is French. I hope you do not think that I have a paranoia, but I’m an owner of the business and know firsthand what is marketing when sometimes a low-quality product is presented as a luxury.
We chose Victor Hugo’s center. I knew that in this center works one of the world’s best specialists in oncology. By the results of analyses, the doctor told that radiotherapy was needed though I hoped for more gentle treatment in France.
I did not want to see tears of my beloved mother therefore, I entrusted her escort to the experts from Medifrance. I was glad to hear that in clinic mother got friends, and she went to radiotherapy as to a beauty salon: they were given gloves for nails and a hat to prevent hair loss. The main thing for me was the calm of my mother: she lived a full life, in parallel studied the country, went on trips and enjoyed life. Now we wait for the decision from doctors whether my mother managed to win against cancer or will repeat treatment be required. Protect your relatives.
We chose Victor Hugo’s center. I knew that in this center works one of the world’s best specialists in oncology. By the results of analyses, the doctor told that radiotherapy was needed though I hoped for more gentle treatment in France.
I did not want to see tears of my beloved mother therefore, I entrusted her escort to the experts from Medifrance. I was glad to hear that in clinic mother got friends, and she went to radiotherapy as to a beauty salon: they were given gloves for nails and a hat to prevent hair loss. The main thing for me was the calm of my mother: she lived a full life, in parallel studied the country, went on trips and enjoyed life. Now we wait for the decision from doctors whether my mother managed to win against cancer or will repeat treatment be required. Protect your relatives.

20/11/2017 01:19:48
Brain cancer was found at a late stage when it was inoperable. It was necessary to wait for about 2 years before the final diagnosis. I should not say what I had to pass through. The rage on doctors grew with each new ineffectual appointment, a vision fell, and the head continued to hurt. Acquaintances advised a clinic in Israel, as I hadn’t desire to go to our doctors again. It was sad to hear about the high treatment cost because I hadn’t enough funds for treatment in Israel. The only affordable option was the French clinic. They started treatment immediately. The first stage was a hormonal therapy, and then it was radiation on a modern equipment of extended precision.
Now I came back home and doctors looked at me with surprise, as they did not expect to see me alive. Of course, I am angry for lost time. The medical negligence could cost me life, but now everything is good. The equipment, which I saw in France, is a rarity for our clinics. If such equipment is bought, then the cost for treatment increases to space heights. After the French centers, it is impossible to come into ours, as you understand that their level is low. There is no wish to entrust the health to such “professionals”.
Now I came back home and doctors looked at me with surprise, as they did not expect to see me alive. Of course, I am angry for lost time. The medical negligence could cost me life, but now everything is good. The equipment, which I saw in France, is a rarity for our clinics. If such equipment is bought, then the cost for treatment increases to space heights. After the French centers, it is impossible to come into ours, as you understand that their level is low. There is no wish to entrust the health to such “professionals”.

20/11/2017 01:19:48
I owed much to my uncle who in fact became the second father for me. Having learned that he had heart troubles, I decided to send him to France. In our country, medicine is also at a high level, but many people prefer Europe as the European experts have more experience. Usually, we choose on a goodwill level to Muslims, therefore, most often we go on treatment to Germany or France. The positive experience of acquaintances allowed deciding on the country quickly. Family representatives and I accompanied the uncle. We had no time for independent searches of clinic and paperwork, therefore, we addressed experts. The acquaintance gave me contacts of Medifrance and told that they are the best in the business. Treatment took 2 weeks. The operation was perfectly performed. Now there is no sign of it as my uncle was operated through a microcut in a groin. We learned by own experience that the French are very benevolent: everybody tried to help and please us.

06/02/2020 16:33:25
This is a post of gratitude to the doctors that were and are helping us in our fight with cancer and my thoughts about the situation that us, people might get into.
Over the past months, we have met many medical workers, whom I am immensely grateful for their support and professionalism. Each of them, despite their personal affairs and problems, showed a lot of attention and care, while remaining humane and kind.
In this post I would like to give a special tribute to oncologists.
They, oncologists, are working on the territory of death. The ‘old woman’ has already set her marks, and they either wash off these marks or give their patients more time. It is as they are standing on the shore and trying to catch people from this river, which carries them away. And oncologists, they do manage to snatch someone, to give people the opportunity to stay on this shore a bit longer…
We’ve met carrying and good oncologists in Moldova, one of them is doctor *???????? ???????* – one of the best chemotherapists in our country. His support and consultations during my mom’s treatment in Moldova, and during her treatment in France is priceless.
And of course, the biggest THANK YOU and the Oscar for being a great doctor goes to our French oncologist – doctor *?????? ?????????*. During the treatment ?????? ?????????, by simply being himself – optimistic and carrying professional, gave us the hope that everything can be good.
You know, we do realize - doctors are not Gods, they can’t promise that one would live forever, after all each situation is strictly individual, each disease, diagnose and treatment is individual from a case to case. But what they CAN do, and what doctor Troussier continues to be – is, besides giving a proper treatment, permanently monitoring the situation and my mom’s state, being a good psychologist and a very humane and carrying person.
Our fight is not over yet, and we are helpless of changing the Past, the Present or the Future, we don’t know what is waiting for us. But we are immensely grateful to doctor Troussier for being there with us during this fight.
You know, the modern world, escalating its strength, refers to its own helplessness without due respect simply denying it. With progress flying forward, the feeling of helplessness, and therefore of one’s own borders, is becoming more and more elusive. The more we expand our capabilities, informational and technical, the slower we realize that we are just people who are subject to the same physical laws and biological laws, the sensation of which can be fooled, but the effect cannot be undone.
For example, aging is a process that can be slowed down, but not stopped. They say that soon, when they learn to grow human organs, we will become immortal. But if it does happen - completely different problems will await the planet, which sooner or later will lead us again to helplessness and the need to make unpopular decisions. By the way, the decisions themselves are also a double-edged sword. Not everything is possible to solve. And no matter how the horizons expand, the edge is still clearly visible.
There are many deadly diseases that we seek and find a cure for, but new diseases appear - that remind us of our fragility and helplessness in simple situations.
Denying our helplessness, makes us spend time looking for magic pills, a panacea and strategies for all time. But there’s no panacea. It’s like searching for Atlantis, the philosopher’s stone, the Holy Grail, the Golden Fleece, living water or the alchemy of gold. All in vain. And the sooner we understand this, the faster we will start living our own, local, human, so short, meaningless, but at the same time very interesting and beautiful lives.
Understanding the limits of your power and learning how to act in them is priceless. But they can only be understood by meeting your own helplessness. Anyone who has studied his strength, has encountered this. All the greats stopped sooner or later - Napoleon Bonaparte, Winston Churchill, Steve Jobs ... Someone - met another country, someone - old age, someone - a deadly disease. Much is possible, but not all. There is a border between us and the cosmos, and even between us and our own desires. And on this border…helplessness awaits calmly, as the last limit of human existence. As a reminder to us humans, that after all, we're only humans...
Over the past months, we have met many medical workers, whom I am immensely grateful for their support and professionalism. Each of them, despite their personal affairs and problems, showed a lot of attention and care, while remaining humane and kind.
In this post I would like to give a special tribute to oncologists.
They, oncologists, are working on the territory of death. The ‘old woman’ has already set her marks, and they either wash off these marks or give their patients more time. It is as they are standing on the shore and trying to catch people from this river, which carries them away. And oncologists, they do manage to snatch someone, to give people the opportunity to stay on this shore a bit longer…
We’ve met carrying and good oncologists in Moldova, one of them is doctor *???????? ???????* – one of the best chemotherapists in our country. His support and consultations during my mom’s treatment in Moldova, and during her treatment in France is priceless.
And of course, the biggest THANK YOU and the Oscar for being a great doctor goes to our French oncologist – doctor *?????? ?????????*. During the treatment ?????? ?????????, by simply being himself – optimistic and carrying professional, gave us the hope that everything can be good.
You know, we do realize - doctors are not Gods, they can’t promise that one would live forever, after all each situation is strictly individual, each disease, diagnose and treatment is individual from a case to case. But what they CAN do, and what doctor Troussier continues to be – is, besides giving a proper treatment, permanently monitoring the situation and my mom’s state, being a good psychologist and a very humane and carrying person.
Our fight is not over yet, and we are helpless of changing the Past, the Present or the Future, we don’t know what is waiting for us. But we are immensely grateful to doctor Troussier for being there with us during this fight.
You know, the modern world, escalating its strength, refers to its own helplessness without due respect simply denying it. With progress flying forward, the feeling of helplessness, and therefore of one’s own borders, is becoming more and more elusive. The more we expand our capabilities, informational and technical, the slower we realize that we are just people who are subject to the same physical laws and biological laws, the sensation of which can be fooled, but the effect cannot be undone.
For example, aging is a process that can be slowed down, but not stopped. They say that soon, when they learn to grow human organs, we will become immortal. But if it does happen - completely different problems will await the planet, which sooner or later will lead us again to helplessness and the need to make unpopular decisions. By the way, the decisions themselves are also a double-edged sword. Not everything is possible to solve. And no matter how the horizons expand, the edge is still clearly visible.
There are many deadly diseases that we seek and find a cure for, but new diseases appear - that remind us of our fragility and helplessness in simple situations.
Denying our helplessness, makes us spend time looking for magic pills, a panacea and strategies for all time. But there’s no panacea. It’s like searching for Atlantis, the philosopher’s stone, the Holy Grail, the Golden Fleece, living water or the alchemy of gold. All in vain. And the sooner we understand this, the faster we will start living our own, local, human, so short, meaningless, but at the same time very interesting and beautiful lives.
Understanding the limits of your power and learning how to act in them is priceless. But they can only be understood by meeting your own helplessness. Anyone who has studied his strength, has encountered this. All the greats stopped sooner or later - Napoleon Bonaparte, Winston Churchill, Steve Jobs ... Someone - met another country, someone - old age, someone - a deadly disease. Much is possible, but not all. There is a border between us and the cosmos, and even between us and our own desires. And on this border…helplessness awaits calmly, as the last limit of human existence. As a reminder to us humans, that after all, we're only humans...

04/06/2023 13:49:46
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review on moderation
09/12/2024 11:55:00
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I have many ideas about new treatments of unknown and uncured diseases and ability of problem solving all topics
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review on moderation
09/12/2024 12:37:02
I have many ideas about new treatments of unknown and uncured diseases and ability of problem solving all topics
I am medical doctor general physician with 7 years experience in beautician clinic, office, hospital and emergency
1- can you help me how registration for continue specialist
2- can you help me how find job
3- can you help me how accept in scholarship
4- I am professor
can releive brain tumor
without op
can you need me
I hate Iran
I have many ideas about new treatments of unknown and uncured diseases and ability of problem solving all topics
I am medical doctor general physician with 7 years experience in beautician clinic, office, hospital and emergency
1- can you help me how registration for continue specialist
2- can you help me how find job
3- can you help me how accept in scholarship
4- I am professor
can releive brain tumor
without op
can you need me
I hate Iran
How it works?
Make a request by using our form on our website
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Help in choosing a clinic. Online consultation. Treatment coordination
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