An HSE surgery with no waiting lists.
Why do patients in Ireland – both North and South – have to wait for a hospital operation for months, and in some cases even for years, unless they have private medical insurance or they can afford expensive private surgery?
Public hospital waiting lists on both sides of the Irish border are growing longer on a weekly basis. Certainly, it is true: good health is priceless. But just because you can afford to go private, does that mean that you should be obliged to, and spend a great deal of money that you will never get back?
There is now another alternative. European Union Directive 2011/24/EU on the Patient’s Right to seek Cross-border Healthcare was passed into law across all the countries of the European Union by 2014.
It means that if a person is legally resident and covered by the public health system in one European Union Member State, he or she can go for medical treatment to another EU country and claim back some, or all, of the cost of the procedure from their own national health service. In Ireland, the Health Service Executive (HSE) refunds patient’s claims made under the Directive. In Northern Ireland the Health and Social Care Board (HSCB) is responsible.
There are a few conditions that must be fulfilled in each case, and there are various forms to fill in: for pre-authorization from your health authority before traveling abroad (not legally necessary in every case, but highly recommended) and for reimbursement after the operation.
The patient is responsible for all other costs – flight, hotels, food, tourist excursion, etc. – and must pay for the medical treatment themselves when they receive it. They then claim back the cost of the operation or other medical procedure when they return home.
If the operation would be cheaper in the public healthcare system at home than it would be in another EU country, the patient can claim back up to that cost and cover the difference themselves. However, if the operation is cheaper abroad than it would cost in their home country, then the patient will be able to reclaim the full cost of what he or she paid for their treatment.
For the first time, high-quality, safe and fast private healthcare abroad has become an affordable, accessible possibility for all EU citizens. And because Ireland has one of the most expensive public healthcare systems in the EU, in most cases Irish people will be able to reclaim the full cost of their treatment in France.
Traveling to France for an operation is an excellent option that should certainly be of interest to many people across the whole island of Ireland and throughout Great Britain, where public hospital waiting lists also continue to grow.
Treatment in France is an excellent option which will certainly interest most of the Irish. On the one hand, they will receive superfine treatment in the best European clinics, on the other hand, treatment cost in France is quite acceptable, so, the Irish will have a good opportunity to return the overall cost of treatment.
As for other European countries, the Irish do not want to go for treatment to some of them, and some other countries, such as Germany, have qualitative medicine, but the prices for it are very expensive. So, why pay more?
Treatment in Eastern Europe is cheap, but its quality leaves much to be desired, therefore it is better not to risk your health. So, France is one of the best options.
In France, it will be possible to recover and get to admire the most beautiful sights. France is one of the most visited countries among tourists for a reason. However, lately, medical tourists are joining common tourists.
The choice of treatment in France is the choice of one of the best health systems in the world. Besides, France is one of the most beautiful countries in the world therefore, you’ll not only improve your health but also have a rest in France. On a price-to-quality-of-service ratio, French medicine is simply the best in the world.
The distinctive feature of the French facilities is a combination of high-quality medical care with maximum comfort. Many big state hospitals in France have a long history, they are versatile universal clinical centers providing the highest quality of treatment.
Ireland’s first premium, full-service medical travel facilitation company Europa Medicare Travel Ltd is the representative of Medifrance Solution. From autumn 2017 Europa Medicare will be helping Irish patients to get off HSE and HSCB public hospital waiting lists and back on their feet. Medifrance Solution is the official representative of the French clinics which will pick the most suitable clinic for you and organize everything in royal style!
Watch the video below for more details!