Cardiology & Cardiovascular Surgery

Cardiology & Cardiovascular Surgery in France

Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of disability and premature death of many people. Currently, an increase in morbidity and involvement of younger people is registered. Thus, cardiovascular diseases have become one of the priority areas in the development of new, more effective treatment methods. French doctors use the latest diagnostics and treatment methods, which allows not only the identification of cardiac and vascular diseases in the early stages but also saves lives in the case of an advanced stage.

Very often prominent veins in women’s arms and legs bring a lot of discomforts, but besides the fact that it looks non-aesthetic, this abnormality has many other dangerous consequences, such as trophic changes and the formation of ulcers. We work with one of the best teams in France that specializes in cardiology and cardiovascular surgery. This particular team performs the largest number of surgeries to remove varicose veins. The most modern equipment is also a factor in the success of French cardiologists. In this article, you can learn everything about cardiology & cardiovascular surgery in France.
heart surgery abroad
  • Groups of diseases that are successfully treated in France:

Cardiological diseases, coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, arterial hypertension, cardiac arrhythmias, pericarditis, endocarditis, myocarditis, chronic heart failure, metabolic syndrome, congenital heart defects, acquired heart defects, cardiomyopathy, vascular diseases.

  • Treatment methods available for cardiology & cardiovascular surgery in France:

Cardiac catheterization (right/left heart), coronary angiography of the heart and blood vessels, aortography, angiography of the renal arteries, angiography of the pulmonary arteries, myocardial biopsy, percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA), stenting and rotablation, angioplasty, peripheral arteries, (PTCA) and renal arteries, including stenting, local fibrinolytic therapy of peripheral vessels and pulmonary arteries, systemic fibrinolytic therapy, cardiac pacemaker, placement (1- and 2-chamber systems), resynchronization therapy (cardiac pacemaker, 3-chamber systems).

  • Non-invasive methods and diagnostics:

ECG heart, ergometry, Holter ECG, 24-hour Holter daily measurement of blood pressure, cardiac pacemaker, control examination of the work, echocardiography (transthoracic), oesophageal echocardiography of the heart, stress echocardiography of the heart, orthostatic test, spirometry, cardiorespiratory screening, Doppler scanning of arteries and veins, duplex scanning of arteries and veins.

  • Diagnostics for cardiology & cardiovascular surgery in France:

Diagnostics and treatment of the conditions such as acute impairment of arterial and venous circulation, thrombosis and embolism of the arteries, inflammation of the arteries and veins, aneurysms of the thoracic and abdominal aorta, atherosclerosis of the carotid arteries, obliterating endarteritis, varicose veins, trophic ulcers of the leg, lymphocytosis, vascular malformations, compression syndrome, microcirculatory disorders, diabetic angiopathy.

This list is not exhaustive and is provided for informational purposes.

Please contact us for further information.

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Kristy own avatar
22/09/2016 03:44:47
I’ve heard so many good things about the cardiology treatment in France, so I decided to offer my mother a present for her anniversary – a (medical) trip to France! It was a varicose veins surgery which she suffered from heavily, she would avoid going out in summer or just put one some super long skirts. She used to have such beautiful legs when she was younger so to her this was like a betrayal from her body. Medifrance Solution team helped us with everything: finding the best price in France for a quality surgery, meeting my mom, translating everything for her, just being there when needed. They also helped with the touristic part so my mother was able to experience the French culture a bit. Thank you!
mcallen own avatar
25/10/2016 03:44:47
A few months ago we learned that my 64 y/o mother needed a heart valve replacement surgery. We decided to look at surgery options in France, we have heard a lot of great stuff from our friends about medical services in France. I came to the clinic together with my mother. We met her heart surgeon who sent her to make some examinations so he could evaluate the success of the surgery. Luckily for us, he was sure of the good result for my mother. It all went quite fast, the whole surgery and recovery period lasted for approximately 3 weeks. Now my mother feels very well but she stays in touch with doctor just in case.
jainjoseph own avatar
21/01/2020 12:13:40
Welcome to the. 3rd Global meeting on Cardiology and Critical Care. We are excited to announce that cardiology 2020 will be held in Paris, France on April 21-22, 2020. This conference brings together Academicians, professionals, Hospitals, Industrial delegates from around the world to discuss cutting-edge research. We welcome all of you to attend the Keynotes lectures, Plenaries, Workshop, Oral presentations, Posters/Video presentation. We truly hope you will find the conference worthwhile and you will benefit from this esteemed event.
golnaz own avatar
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09/12/2024 12:54:04
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Johnson own avatar
review on moderation
17/02/2025 11:10:41
Dear Dr.,

Good day!!

We are organizing “Cardiology and Cardiovascular Diseases Conference-2025” on 13-14 October, 2025 at Rome, Italy which will focus on current trends and research related to the fields of Cardiology, Cardiovascular Diseases.

The theme that we’ll be covering at the event includes: “Personalized Medicine in Cardiovascular Care.”

We would like to solicit your gracious presence as a speaker\Delegate to share your research findings to our audience.

For more details, please visit our official website:

It’s a great opportunity to showcase your expertise and position both yourself and your company as industry leaders _ always beneficial for attracting the new talent, partners, business opportunities and press coverage!

Is this something you would be interested in learning more about?

If so, please let me know for any further queries.

Best Offer: The scheduled conference is to be conducted both OFFLINE and ONLINE, you have the option to choose according to your feasibility to share your research works!

We hope to see you in Rome, Italy!!

Best Regards
Johnson | Cardiology Summit 2025
Program Manager
WhatsApp +965 966 745 80
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