Infertility & Reproductive Health

Advantages of infertility treatment in France

The data obtained in the course of statistical studies show that if a couple trying to get pregnant, cannot achieve the results within a year, this means infertility. In such situations, experts recommend paying attention to the treatment offered by specialized centers. Learn everything about successful infertility treatment in France.

infertility treatment

Causes of female infertility

In most cases, the cause of infertility is related to women’s health state (up to 50% of cases). Man is “responsible” for such a situation in less number of cases (30%). The final factor affecting the ability to conceive is a disorder of reproductive or other systems of both partners. The most common variants are:

Endocrine infertility affecting the process of maturation of the ovum. Problems of the thyroid and adrenal glands are the main factors determining failures of the pituitary-ovarian system. This disease can be accompanied by dysmenorrhea or amenorrhea, uterine bleeding, increased level of male hormones.

Recovery of the reproductive organs in such a situation is possible only under the supervision of an experienced specialist, with the help of physical medicine, ancillary drugs, and in some cases, through the use of new reproduction technologies.

Tubal infertility. It occurs in 35% of women not able to conceive. The problem lies in the obstruction of the Fallopian tubes, which is an obstacle for a fertilized ovum trying to get into the uterus. Tubal infertility may occur as a result of adhesions that occur after inflammation, various diseases of the genitourinary system, abortion, or difficult birth.

Obstruction of tubes can be cured by new technologies of microsurgery or using ancillary reproductive therapy.

Psychological infertility. In this situation, the inability to conceive is associated with the dysfunction of the nervous system. This is quite common among all infertile couples (more than 30%). The reasons can be either tragic events that happened earlier, or the psychological unpreparedness of women to have children.

This problem can be solved by an experienced psychologist. As a rule, the treatment process is about removing the psychological barriers, revealing fears, etc.

in vitro fertilisation abroad

Methods of infertility treatment

Currently, the leading European clinics offer three main types of fertility treatment, which include the following methods:

Conservative. Such treatment of female infertility includes hormone therapy, which has proved most effective for disorders of the endocrine system. The treatment program provides exposure to hormones by which ovulation and fertility are restored. The list of conservative methods also includes physiotherapy and antibiotic therapy. In the first case, the exposure that improves blood circulation in the reproductive organs is used. In the second case, medication eliminating the infection factor is used. The combination of these methods allows creating favorable conditions for conception and further pregnancy.

Operative. Laparoscopy and hysteroscopy have proven to be the most productive in the treatment of infertility. They allow eliminating adhesions in cases of endometriosis, obstruction of the fallopian tubes, ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, etc.

Ancillary reproductive technologies (IVF). Such treatment is appropriate if there are no results after using the first two methods. The high-tech procedure ensures fertilization in laboratory conditions. In this case, an egg and sperm of the couple are sampled for fertilization in a laboratory test tube. The powerful capabilities of the technology and continuous research carried out in this area in Europe today, help millions of couples to find parental happiness.

Infertility treatment in France

In recent years, IVF offered by health centers becomes of even more interest for its technology and the cost of treatment. An important factor is that the birth of a child after the procedure has a high frequency of multiple births (one in five pregnancies). However, due to the high accuracy of diagnosis and individually developed programs of treatment, the experts have significantly reduced the risk of preterm birth and subsequent health problems of babies, who were born as a result of artificial insemination.

French clinics are number one in the field of treatment of male and female infertility. In particular, the specialized medical centers in Paris help more than 2000 newborns to come to the world every year. The success and high performance of the largest institutions of the capital, namely la Procreation and Assistance Medicale, Clinique de La Muette, Hospital des Diaconesses, and others, are driven by using the latest techniques, the most accurate identification of the cause of infertility, and attention to the problem of each patient. Each procedure ordered by the experts is perfectly adapted to the situation and aimed at fertilization without medical intervention in the future.

in vitro fertilisation abroad

A distinctive feature of French clinics that attract a lot of couples, who want to conceive a child, is special attention to the precise sequence of diagnostic, medical and legal actions of the specialists strictly observed in order to avoid transmission of incurable or hereditary diseases (hepatitis, AIDS, various syndromes, etc.). It should be noted that compliance with the list of rules is due not only to medical ethics, but also French law binding the specialists to observe all precautions.

The use of the technical possibilities of IVF in this country is regulated by the law on bioethics, observance of which involves the following principles:

– Conception in vitro cannot be done for single people. It is only available for couples able to confirm a minimum of 2 years of living together or providing a marriage certificate;

– IVF is allowed only in the case of infertility, the risk of transmission of a dangerous disease to a fetus, the risk of transmission of a dangerous disease to one of the parents;

– Only living men and women can be donors;

– the procedure is carried out with full observance of anonymity (it is assumed that in case of impossibility to obtain the genetic material, a couple can use sperm or eggs of family members);

– IVF prohibits the practice of surrogate motherhood, etc.

It should be emphasized that after the diagnostics of infertility issues, the couple receives a copy of the test made. Artificial insemination is performed only after the written consent of each member of the family.

Choose the best infertility treatment in France with Medifrance Solution for the guaranteed pregnancy! Please contact us for further information.

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Chloe own avatar
22/09/2016 03:44:57
Medifrance have made us one happy family
Naomy own avatar
23/10/2016 03:44:57
I would like to add that sometimes couples are not able to conceive because one of the partners isn’t ready psychologically. Of course it’s a great responsibility that many people aren’t ready to take. In such case going to another country can help a lot from the psychological point of view. It’s like coming to terms with deciding to become a parent, proving that you’re ready to travel long distances for the baby. I know that many people wouldn’t believe it as many think that conceiving a child is strictly a physical / biological process but I will never agree with them. Because this is exactly how happiness came into our life – after we traveled to France
Allie own avatar
19/07/2017 03:44:57
My first childbirth was in Moscow private clinic. We paid the huge sum of money but the result was purely Russian((( For the second time my husband and I decided to give birth to a child outside Russia. We chose France because the country is pleasant and my friends have childbirth there and were satisfied. I was pleased with the fact that my husband was near me, with the relation of staff to the duties and the created conditions.
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