Skin cancer

Skin cancer is one of the most common types of malignant tumors. These days it is a skin cancer that is treated best. The great progress is primarily due to the outer localization of inflammation, allowing much earlier diagnostics and taking measures. It should also be emphasized that the treatment method using radiation and surgery in all patients showed the best results.

skin cancer

If you take the whole list of cancers, skin cancer is surely among the five most common in the world. More than thirteen percent of people with malignant tumors have it on the skin. It should be noted that in different countries there are outbreaks of tumors of this type, for example, in Australia more than fifty percent of cancers is skin cancer.

The main factor in the development of skin cancer is exposure to direct sunlight, that is, the influence of solar radiation on humans. Based on this observation, we can conclude that people living in rural areas suffer from this type of tumor more often than urban residents. Residents of the southern countries, as well as of resort towns are more strongly influenced by solar radiation and thus are at a greater risk than those living in colder northern countries and cities.

By using different hats and more clothes, you unintentionally prevent skin cancer.

The most susceptible are people over sixty years old. Gender does not play a big role, as men and women suffer from this disease equally. If a person had any skin diseases, he/she should observe safety precautions, as such people are most susceptible to sunlight. The pathological cause of skin cancer may be different, such as:

 – Ionization of skin by radioactive substances;

 – Skin lesions with red and tuberculosis lupus;

 – Skin lesions with arsenic;

 – Fistulas and scars that do not heal for a long period;

 – Thermal and chemical burns.

 There are 3 forms of squamous cell and basal cell human skin cancer.

Surface form.

This form is a clear manifestation in the form nodule that appears on human skin having a light whitish color and slightly rising in the skin. During the growth and development of tumors, scarring occurs in the center and an immediate increase along the edges is observed. Most often it appears on the face and body.

Infiltrating form.

The tumor appears as a node, which forms a crater-like recess and has iliac rolls on the edges. Every day, the tumor grows more and more in the soft human tissue. This form is the most prone to squamous cancer and very often leads to metastasis.

Papillary form.

It is worth noting that this kind of tumor can reach an enormous size and is light purple. It is much less common than other forms. It grows very rapidly and also metastasizes more frequently as opposed to other forms of the disease.

Basal cell carcinoma is characterized by very slow but steady growth. And it is worth noting that treatment is required immediately and with the right methods. If you miss the start of treatment or choose the wrong treatment, growth in the soft tissue and its subsequent destruction can occur. The absence of metastasis in basal cell carcinoma complicates the actual detection.

One of the worst, as well as a fast-growing, is the malignant tumor of the lower extremities and the body.


Diagnostics of the melanoma 

Cancer is often found as a result of examinations. One of the most important types of diagnosis is the detection of inflammatory processes in the skin and under it. All such diagnoses must be confirmed by a morphological study. It is noted that during the incisional biopsy the regional infiltrate of the tumor must be in the drug. In case the tumor is not ulcerous, an excisional biopsy is performed.

If the cancer is of the infiltrative form, you need to constantly undergo X-rays, as there is a very high threat of growing tumors in closely spaced bones and organs.


The first stage is characterized by swelling having a diameter of no more than two centimeters.

The second stage – an increase of the tumor, as well as infiltration of the skin.

The third stage – the tumor is more than five centimeters in diameter, deep infiltration of the skin in the center of inflammation.

The fourth stage – tumor grows in the soft tissue and cartilage, muscles and tendons, bones.


Everyone has moles, but there are few who observe them throughout their lives. These days everyone is in danger of getting melanoma, and figures are rising every year. The lowest number of cases is among children up to ten years, the most vulnerable are women from twenty-five to thirty years. If you take advice from a dermatologist at least three-four times a year, you will be able to get out of the risk zone. The greatest attention should be paid to moles and monitor their changes in size and color.

melanoma treatment


The most successful treatment for this malignancy is performed in two European countries: France and Israel. Treatment of skin cancer in France is one of the most advanced in the world, in this country, doctors achieve the best results in the treatment of this form of cancer. It is noted that the following methods of treating skin cancer are used:

 – Irradiation. Radiotherapy is used only if no surgery is performed, as well as in case of recurrence. If the tumor is located in a place inaccessible to physicians, the treatment is performed by irradiation.

 – Chemotherapy. This method is widely used in the event of recurrence, as well as recurrent relapses. It is also often used when dealing with large tumors. In the treatment in this manner are introduced into the human body medicaments which contribute to the destruction of the tumor.

 – Photodynamic method. When using this method, a drug is applied to human skin, which is further exposed to light rays. Due to the exposure of light rays to pre-treated skin, a tumor is removed from the epidermis.

 – Laser surgery. The treatment is performed using a highly charged light beam, which can be directed on any point of the tumor. With this beam, the complete destruction of the skin cells of patients is performed.

 – Fulguration. Removal of infected cells using specialized tools. For further processing, electric current is used, which destroys any remaining cancer cells.

 – Cryosurgery. In this method of treating cancer cells are frozen with liquid nitrogen. It is quite a common method. It is most often used for patients for whom other methods are not available, as well as in the case of a shallow skin infiltration.

 – Surgery. The most common way suggests tumor excision. One or two centimeters are cut off from the near edge of the swollen tissue. It is preferably used to remove the swollen tissues of the body and limbs, and after removal of the tumor to remove metastases. In France, it is very often performed by plastic surgeons who perform the operation as carefully as possible, leaving no scars on the body.

French experts always try to choose the most suitable option for the patient. A huge number of patients treated in different countries, speak of the professionalism of the doctors from France. Thanks to the constant work, they were able to achieve such outstanding results, while working to improve the quality of services rendered.

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Susan Colton own avatar
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Susan Colton
26/11/2024 14:13:21
I have been diagnosed with a carsinoma ( cancerous ) just close to under my right eye I am having to wait long periods for my treatment so I am keen to have this removed privately by an experienced surgeon in this field .I do live in France near Limoges .My age is 78 & in very good health .
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