General medicine DR Mancuso MD
General medicine

General medicine DR Mancuso MD


pentobarbitalgroup own avatar
review on moderation
10/06/2024 09:20:40
Searching for '<a href="">Where to buy Nembutal online'?</a> It's crucial to exercise caution when seeking such products online. Ensure legality, authenticity, and safety by thoroughly researching reputable sources and consulting medical professionals. Your well-being is paramount.
golnaz own avatar
review on moderation
09/12/2024 12:06:32
I have many ideas about new treatments of unknown and uncured diseases and ability of problem solving all topics
I am medical doctor general physician with 7 years experience in beautician clinic, office, hospital and emergency
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I have many ideas about new treatments of unknown and uncured diseases and ability of problem solving all topics
I am medical doctor general physician with 7 years experience in beautician clinic, office, hospital and emergency
1- can you help me how registration for continue specialist
2- can you help me how find job
3- can you help me how accept in scholarship

4- I am professor
can releive brain tumor
without op
can you need me
I hate Iran

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