Intern in the acute geriatric unit and SSR oriented cardiology at the Corentin Celton Hospital (Pr Bocquet): November 2015 - May 2016 - Intern in the general emergency department at the Franco-British Hospital (Pr Zanker): May 2016-November 2016
Intern at A level 1 practitioner: November 2016-May 2017-07-12
Intern in Obstetrics-Gynecology at the University Hospital of Poissy (Pr Fauconnier) May 2017-November 2017
Intern in vascular medicine at Corentin Celton Hospital (Pr Messas): November 2017-May 2018
Intern in vascular medicine at the Hôtel Dieu (Pr Blacher): May 2018- November 2018
Replacement in several city practices in general medicine
Co-founder of a digital project, WeKerz, focused on the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases through sport and nutrition
Teacher of medical semiology at Danhier school since November 2018
- Drainage and flattening of superficial abscesses
- Suture of superficial or deep wounds.
- Abdominal and pelvic ultrasound in the context of gynecological emergencies and orthogenetic consultations.
- Placement/removal of subcutaneous implants and intrauterine devices - vaginal delivery
- Management of chronic wounds
- English correct level

General medicine
General medicine DR Mancuso MD
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